Astroscale Opens Orbitarium, an Innovative Educational Hub at New Headquarters

Posted June 30th, 2023 Posted in News

Tokyo, Japan, Jun. 30, 2023 Astroscale Holdings Inc. (“Astroscale”), the market leader in satellite servicing and long-term sustainability across all orbits, has announced it will open the Orbitarium, a learning center dedicated to space sustainability and housed within the new Astroscale headquarters in Sumida-ku, Tokyo. Starting July 5, this unique center will provide an immersive and educational experience for visitors, fostering a deeper understanding of our orbits and satellite technology. 

Satellites play a crucial role in our daily lives, enabling essential activities such as communication and GPS. Operating in space, these satellites travel along designated paths known as orbits, like highways for automobiles. Space seems unimaginably vast, but there are specific altitudes and popular orbits that facilitate the use of satellites that support various activities back on Earth. As space development rapidly accelerates, the number of satellites and debris has increased drastically, leading to overcrowded orbits and an increased risk of collisions and near misses. Recognizing this challenge, the G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Communiqué and the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué in May this year emphasized the importance of safe and sustainable space utilization and strongly encouraged efforts to address the problem of debris. To make more people aware of the current state of our orbits and our efforts to achieve space sustainability, we are pleased to announce the opening of the Orbitarium, a learning center available for public tours inside our new headquarters. 

Orbitarium Astroscale Learning Center

About Orbitarium 

The Orbitarium is a unique facility that offers visitors an immersive experience to explore and understand Earth’s orbits and learn about Astroscale’s efforts to realize space sustainability. Inspired by the orbits themselves, the facility’s design resembles a circle, allowing visitors to grasp the interconnectedness between Earth, space, orbits and satellites. Upon entering, guests are greeted by curved monitors displaying captivating images of satellite orbits encircling a model of Earth, providing an educational experience on space sustainability. Additionally, the Orbitarium features a designated area where visitors can observe satellite manufacturing and component testing within a controlled environment, known as a clean room. 

The Orbitarium includes: 

  • A circular theater that gives visitors a sense of the connection between Earth and space 
  • An exhibition area where visitors can learn about the orbital environment and space sustainability initiatives 
  • An area where visitors can observe cutting-edge developments in the clean room, where satellites are manufactured and components are tested 
  • Sales of select Astroscale goods  

Origin of the name 

The name “Orbitarium” is a fusion of “orbit,” representing the central theme of the facility, and “-arium,” a word derived from Latin that signifies “a place for “. 

Astroscale Orbitarium 1 Astroscale Orbitarium 3







Visitor Information 

Name of facility: Orbitarium
Address: 2F Hulic Kinshicho Collabo Tree, 4-17-1 Kinsho, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0013, Japan
Opening date: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 
Reservation start date: Friday, June 30, 2023
Operating hours: Wednesdays and Fridays (Reservations required)

  • 11:00 – 12:00, 15:00 – 16:00
  • Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays Admission: Free 

Website: Visit here for more information.

Please kindly note that the visibility of satellite development within the clean room may be subject to manufacturing or testing conditions. We appreciate your understanding in advance.