Our ELSA-M service will provide you with a solution to safely and responsibly capture and retire multiple client (M) satellites in a single mission.

The ELSA-M servicer spacecraft leverages flight heritage technology, systems and capability developed during our End-of-Life Service by Astroscale demonstration (ELSA-d) mission. The servicer will be able to support a range of future satellite operators, including constellations, which are equipped with a compatible magnetic capture mechanism such as the Astroscale Docking Plate.

Our ELSA-M service will solve your end-of-life disposal challenges. With increasing regulatory, industry, and public pressure to prioritize space sustainability, Astroscale’s ELSA-M service presents a proactive way for satellite operators to protect the orbital environment and the services that they offer.​

An ELSA-M In-orbit Demonstration (IOD) is planned for 2026 – with a constellation customer satellite – the first time a commercial Active Debris Removal satellite will complete the end-to-end operations of a removal service with a full sized and fully representative client.

Key features of the ELSA-M service:

Multi-client Removals

Each ELSA-M servicer will have the capability to undertake multiple sequential debris removals expanding the reusability and reducing the cost of the service.


ELSA-M builds on a heritage pathway from ELSA-d to ensure safe and robust operations and licensable solution. We are the only company actively operating debris removal missions in space.


ELSA-M rendezvous is designed to assure the safety of the client, including passively safe trajectories, fail-safe multi-level control authority, passive and active aborts, high-fidelity ground-based simulation and operator training, and a cyber-secure service with authentication and encryption.

Optimized Propulsion

With both chemical and electric propulsion for precise docking maneuvers and efficient orbital transferring.

Tumbling Capture

ELSA-M will be capable of advanced rendezvous and docking in space, including tumbling capture particularly relevant for failed clients.

Tailored Concept of Operations

An ELSA-M servicer, when launched, will search for and approach the client, perform a fly-around inspection, before executing a capturing maneuver to dock with the client – at this point, the servicer will bring the client to a low drop-off altitude for uncontrolled re-entry.

Ready your satellites for ELSA-M servicing

Future-proof your satellites for ELSA-M servicing before launch – discuss your Docking Plate needs with us.

Use the Contact Us form below to discuss your EOL servicing needs.​