Which stock exchange is Astroscale listed on?
The Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is the code number for Astroscale’s shares in Japan?
The code number is 186A.
When are the financial results announcements scheduled?
Our fiscal year ends on April 30 with financial results announcement scheduled in June. Please refer to the IR Calendar page for details on our quarterly results announcement timing.
When is the record date for dividend payments?
Annual dividends will be distributed to shareholders on record as of April 30.
Do you have a shareholder benefit program?
None as of now.
How many shares are included in one trading unit?
The number of shares included in 1trading unit is 100 shares.
* Shares can only be traded in trading units.
How do I notify transfer of shares or changes in mailing address?
Please contact your broker for these matters.
Where can I see Astroscale’s financial results materials?
Click here to see Financial Results.
When is the annual general meeting of shareholders’ held?
The annual general meeting of shareholders’ is held within 3 months from the end of the fiscal year. We typically send convocation notices to investors on record as of April 30 in early July.
How can I exercise voting rights at the annual general meeting of shareholders’?
We send convocation notices with voting rights exercise form to investors on record as of April 30.
You can excercise your voting rights through the following 3 methods.
1. Attend the annual general meeting of shareholders’ with the voting rights exercise form.
2. Mail voting rights exercise form with your vote.
3. Excercise your voting rights through the e-voting website.
Where can I get in touch with the company in IR inquiries?
Please contact through here.