Board of Directors

Representative Director,
President and CEO

Mitsunobu Okada

Apr 1997
Joined the Ministry of Finance
Jul 2001
Joined McKinsey & Company
Aug 2004
Appointed as Director and Chief Financial Officer of TurboLinux Corporation
Apr 2006
Appointed as Director of KAZAKA Financial Group, Inc.
Feb 2007
Appointed as Representative Director of KAZAKA Commodity Co., Ltd.
Mar 2007
Appointed as Corporate Auditor of TurboLinux Co., Ltd.
Aug 2008
Joined Bain Capital LLC
Aug 2009
Established SUGAO PTE. LTD. and appointed as CEO
Aug 2012
Established MIKAWAYA21 Co., Ltd. and appointed as Director
May 2013
Established ASTROSCALE Pte. Ltd. and appointed as CEO
Feb 2015
Appointed as Representative Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc.
Mar 2017
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Ltd (present)
Aug 2017
Appointed as Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc. (present)
May 2018
Appointed as Fellow (FRAeS) of Royal Aeronautical Society (present)
Nov 2018
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Singapore Pte. Ltd. (present)
Dec 2018
Appointed as President and CEO of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Mar 2019
Appointed as Director of Astroscale U.S. Inc.
May 2019
Appointed as Member of the Space Generation Advisory Council Advisory Board (present)
Oct 2019
Appointed as Co-chair of Global Future Council on the Future of Space, the World Economic Forum
Oct 2020
Appointed as Vice President for the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
Apr 2021
Appointed as Director of the Satellite Systems Technology Promotion Organization (present)
Jan 2023
Appointed as Board Member of Impact Start-up Association (present)
Sep 2023
Appointed as Director of Astroscale France SAS (present)
Oct 2023
Appointed as Honorary Ambassador of International Astronautical Federation (present)

Director and COO

Christopher Blackerby

Oct 2002
Joined NASA Head Office
Aug 2012
Appointed as Head of NASA Asia Representative Office at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo
Aug 2017
Appointed as COO of ASTROSCALE Pte Ltd.
Appointed as Representative Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc.
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Ltd (present)
Nov 2018
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Singapore Pte. Ltd. (present)
Dec 2018
Appointed as Director and COO of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Mar 2019
Appointed as Director of Astroscale U.S. Inc.
Feb 2021
Appointed as Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc.
May 2022
Appointed as Representative Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc.
Jan 2023
Appointed as Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc. (present)
Sep 2023
Appointed as Director of Astroscale France SAS (present)


Nobuhiro Matsuyama

Apr 2009
Joined Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co. Ltd.
Jun 2012
Joined Barclays Securities Japan Limited
Apr 2014
Joined Goldman Sachs Japan Co. Ltd.
Sep 2016
Joined Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Sep 2017
Joined Goldman Sachs Japan Co. Ltd.
Dec 2021
Appointed as Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
May 2022
Appointed as Director of ASTROSCALE JAPAN Inc. (present)
Jan 2023
Appointed as Councilor for Global Future Council on the Future of Space, the World Economic Forum (present)
Jul 2023
Appointed as Director and CFO of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Sep 2023
Appointed as Director of Astroscale France SAS (present)


Yuko Noguchi

Apr 1998
Joined Mori Sogo (currently Mori Hamada & Matsumoto)
Jan 2008
Appointed as Partner of Intellectual Property Group of Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Dec 2013
Appointed as Head of Legal, Google Japan Inc. (present)
Feb 2022
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)


Jan Wörner

Jul 1979
Joined Köing und Heunisch
Oct 1990
Appointed as Professor, Technical University Darmstadt
Jul 1995
Appointed as President of Technical University Darmstadt
Mar 2007
Appointed as Chair of Executive Board of German Aerospace Center
Jul 2015
Appointed as Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA)
Apr 2021
Appointed as President of German Academy of Science and Engineering (present)
Feb 2022
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)


Gayle Sheppard

Mar 1991
Jan 1996
Appointed as President of J.D. Edwards Japan K.K.
Sep 2000
Appointed as CEO and President of MarketMile LLC.
Jul 2002
Appointed as Vice President and Managing Director of PeopleSoft, Inc.
Feb 2006
Appointed as Director of Saffron Technology
Jan 2013
Appointed as CEO & Chair of Saffron Technology
Oct 2015
Appointed as Vice President and General Manager, Saffron AI Group of Intel Corporation
Apr 2019
Appointed as Corporate Vice President of Microsoft
Sep 2019
Appointed as Corporate Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Microsoft Asia of Microsoft
Jan 2022
Appointed as Director of Nutanix, Inc. (present)
Dec 2022
Appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Bright Machines (present)
Jul 2023
Appointed as Director of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)

Full-time Corporate Auditor

Takayuki Suzuki

Apr 1975
Joined IBM Japan, Ltd.
Dec 1998
Appointed as Director of Display Technology Corporation
Sep 2002
Appointed as Representative Director of Display Technology Corporation
Jun 2014
Appointed as Auditor of PROTO CORPORATION
Nov 2018
Appointed as Outside Auditor of Prime Strategy Co., Ltd.
Dec 2018
Appointed as Full-time Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Aug 2022
Appointed as Outsider Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) of Prime Strategy Co., Ltd. (present)

Corporate Auditor

Hisako Matsuda

No Photo
Aug 1997
Registered as Solicitor, the High Court of Hong Kong
May 1999
Registered as Solicitor, the Supreme Court of England and Wales
Oct 1999
Joined Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners (present)
Jan 2004
Registered Foreign Lawyer in Japan
Jun 2013
Appointed as Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Sunstar Inc.
Appointed as Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Sunstar Engineering Inc.
Apr 2018
Appointed as Visiting lecturer at Chuo University Graduate School of Law
Jan 2019
Appointed as Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Apr 2019
Appointed as Part-time lecturer at Doshisha University Graduate School of Law (present)
Apr 2022
Appointed as Visiting Professor of Chuo University Graduate School of Law (present)

Corporate Auditor

Haruka Ikeda

Apr 1982
Joined Japan Associated Finance Co., Ltd. (currently JAFCO Group Co., Ltd.)
Apr 1983
Joined JAFCO Ben Co., Ltd. (currently JAFCO Group Co., Ltd.)
Aug 1987
Joined JAFCO Co., Ltd. (currently JAFCO Group Co., Ltd.)
Oct 1988
Joined Nomura Corporate Information Co. Ltd.
Aug 1994
Joined JAFCO Consulting Co., Ltd.
Jun 2004
Appointed as Manager of Public Relations of JAFCO Co., Ltd. (currently JAFCO Group Co., Ltd.)
Jan 2019
Joined Asian Bridge Inc.
Jun 2019
Appointed as Full-time Auditor of Asian Bridge Inc.
Jul 2019
Appointed as Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (present)
Mar 2021
Appointed as Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) of ValueCommerce Co., Ltd. (present)
Mar 2023
Appointed as Auditor of Paiza, Inc.

Yuko Noguchi, Jan Wörner and Gayle Sheppard are Outside Directors.
Takayuki Suzuki, Hisako Matsuda and Haruka Ikeda are Outside Corporate Auditors.

View Management Team.